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Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 1:27 pm
by M. Henri Day
Two words for the price of one ! I've had occasion to use both of them recently - and it struck me then what a pity it would be if desuetude were to condemn them to the dust-bin of history. To the rescue, dear Dr Goodword !...


Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:09 am
by gailr
A speech or composition in high praise of a person, object, or event. Sidelight: Other terms for works involving praise and commendation include the panegyric, a more formal and elaborate type of encomium, and the eulogy, which applies to praise of the character and accomplishments of a person only; the epinicion is a celebration of victory in an ode, both the hymn and the paean embrace praise addressed to gods, while the epithalamium and prothalamium honor a bride and bridegroom.
(from here.)

A plethora of options for the obsequious!