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Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:23 pm
by Perry Lassiter
Back in '06 skinem brought up the word "limn" in reference to a typo. Today I ran across the word while reading and decided I had never pinned it down. The word goes back to the 15th century where it appeared as a back-formation from illuminate in reference to manuscripts. Late in the 16th century the word had evolved to "painting" descriptions with words. I get the feeling the word may be used today with the same imprecision I feel about it. Sometimes it clearly refers to painting, other times verbal description, and I fear also used increasingly as synonymous with writing.

Re: Limn

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:36 pm
by Slava
This one has actually been done, but as we can no longer search for words pre-downgrade, you can't find it.

Here is the Good Doctor's treatment from 2/1/10.

Re: Limn

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:54 pm
by Perry Lassiter
Two comments: First, I have a different sense of beauty in words from the Doc and others. No words with one or more short vowels make my list. A as in ah is the most beautiful sound, therefore Carlotta or Charlotte come to mind when I first think of beautiful words. Classic Spanish long vowels make words beautiful if no harsh consonants intervene. One exception comes readily to mind, sussuration. I'm sure there must be others.
Second, I wonder if Andrew is working on our ability to word search more effectively.