From the Word Wizard Club...
October 8, 2007

Congratulations, Kids! You've completed learning the next round of vocabulary words, and now it's time to review.

Hear It!


Which Means:

This is the present participle of 'run', which means to move forward quickly, to move as it should, or to be the boss (running a store).

As In:

Image The van was old but still in running condition, so they drove it on their summer trip.

Heads Up!

Remember the two Ns in this word. It has a lot of meanings.

Hear It!


Which Means:

A word used to compare two things.

As In:

Image Some of these rocks are bigger than the others.

Heads Up!

Be careful not to confuse this word with 'then'. 'Then' which means "at that time" or "later": Add flour then mix in the eggs.

Hear It!


Which Means:

The past tense of "want": hoped to get something, wished for, desired.

As In:

Image Greg got the toy boat he had wanted for so long.

Heads Up!

Just add -ED to the end of 'want', and you have the past tense!

Hear It!


Which Means:

The past tense of "know": to realize fully.

As In:

Image Anne knew all the answers to her test questions, so she read a novel for a while.

Heads Up!

From present to past tense, the only letter you have to change is the vowel: from O to E but dont forget the K!

Hear It!


Which Means:

To trust that something is true.

As In:

Image People believe in many different religions.

Heads Up!

In this word, the I comes before the E.

Now that you have reviewed the words, challenge your memory!

Note about the crossword: Playing the crossword requires Macromedia Flash. If you are unable to download Macromedia Flash, please feel free to download and print the PDF form of the puzzle.

Teachers! We now have Goodword Junior folders containing PDFs of the review emails and crossword puzzles. Click here to view or download these free printable documents.

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