From the Word Wizard Club...
December 24, 2007

Congratulations, Kids! You've completed learning the next round of vocabulary words, and now it's time to review.

Hear It!


Which Means:

Finely ground wheat, nuts or other grains used in baking.

As In:

Image She just spilled flour all over the floor!

Heads Up!

Keep the words 'flour' and 'flower' separate in your mind even though they sound the same.

Hear It!


Which Means:

The head gear and reins on a horse that are held by the rider to guide direction and movement.

As In:

Image The horse didn't like the bridle at first, but he got used to it.

Heads Up!

What consonant cluster do we see in this word?

Hear It!


Which Means:

A pine tree that grows in northern countries.

As In:

Image We have many spruce surrounding our cabin.

Heads Up!

Notice that this word has no plural.

Hear It!


Which Means:

To scratch or rub harshly.

As In:

Image He didn't want to scrape his knee!

Heads Up!

This word can also be a noun, meaning the result of scratching: I had a huge scrape on my arm from falling off my bike.

Hear It!


Which Means:

The royal seat upon which a king or queen sits to conduct official or ceremonial duties.

As In:

Image The queen stood from her throne and let the knight kiss her hand.

Heads Up!

Throne' sounds like the past tense of throw: thrown. (The two words are homonyms.)

Now that you have reviewed the words, challenge your memory!

Note about the crossword: Playing the crossword requires Macromedia Flash. If you are unable to download Macromedia Flash, please feel free to download and print the PDF form of the puzzle.

Teachers! We now have Goodword Junior folders containing PDFs of the review emails and crossword puzzles. Click here to view or download these free printable documents.

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