From the Word Wizard Club...
October 18, 2010

Hear It!


Which Means:

Still, peaceful, and tranquil.

As In:

Image The baby is calm in her crib.

Heads Up!

The L in 'calm' is silent and calm.

Hear It!


Which Means:

To run away or leave very quickly, to flee.

As In:

Image Look at the little girl skedaddle away from the duck who is trying to eat her dress!

Heads Up!

Skedaddle sounds like what it means!

Hear It!


Which Means:

Arranged according to category or group.

As In:

Image These trees are classified as deciduous.

Heads Up!

This word also means top secret or confidential: Brenda's birthday party is classified information!

Hear It!


Which Means:

Pain, fear, or nervousness in the stomach.

As In:

Image Marlen always gets collywobbles before taking an exam.

Heads Up!

Use a singular or plural verb with 'collywobbles'.

Hear It!


Which Means:

Very mean, rude, abusive, causing great pain to others.

As In:

Image Sherman was a cruel person and was not liked by many people.

Heads Up!

The word 'cruel' is actually made of two syllables: cru-el.

Hear It!


Which Means:

A celestial body that orbits the sun, that consists of a head and a tail of gas and dust that streams away from it.

As In:

Image Halley's Comet in 1910 is a well known one.

Heads Up!

The T on comet is the comet's tail!

Hear It!


Which Means:

The casket, or rectangular box or case, that a dead person is buried in.

As In:

Image The character Dracula sleeps in a coffin.

Heads Up!

Two long Fs fit in the word 'coffin'.

Hear It!


Which Means:

Unsure, pausing before doing or saying something.

As In:

Image She hesitantly stepped out of the canoe, not sure if it would tip over or not.

Heads Up!

The LY on an adjective like 'hesitant' makes it into an adverb, a word describing action.

Hear It!


Which Means:

The word that magicians say when doing a trick, or the trickery itself.

As In:

Image You don't believe that hocus-pocus, do you?

Heads Up!

Remember the hyphen between hocus-pocus.

Hear It!


Which Means:

In a way that is gloomy, dark, depressing, and serious.

As In:

Image The man sat somberly waiting for the next bus.

Heads Up!

The LY on an adjective like 'somber' makes it into an adverb, a word describing action.

Now that you have reviewed the words, challenge your memory!

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