From the Word Wizard Club...
March 12, 2018

Hear It!


Which Means:

A piece of information, written or verbal, sent from one person to another.

As In:

Image John wrote a message on his hand to call Tom.

Heads Up!

Make sure your messages aren't in a mess!

Hear It!


Which Means:

A shelf-like horizontal projection or flat area that extends out over something.

As In:

Image Del looked over the ledge while holding on tightly to the railing.

Heads Up!

The word 'ledge' has a -dge before falling off the edge!

Hear It!


Which Means:

A violent anger, fury.

As In:

Image Flying into a rage while driving may cause an accident!

Heads Up!

You don't have to be angry to spell 'rage'.

Hear It!


Which Means:

Anything of extraordinary size, much larger than ordinary.

As In:

Image The dentist holds a giant toothbrush.

Heads Up!

Starting with a soft G, this word ends in a giant ANT.

Hear It!


Which Means:

To make a light tinkling or clinking sound when things rattle and touch each other.

As In:

Image Listen to Marty jingle the keys to his new car!

Heads Up!

The J in 'jingle' is soft and the rest of the word sounds like a jingle.

Now that you have reviewed the words, challenge your memory!

Note about the crossword: Playing the crossword requires Macromedia Flash. If you are unable to download Macromedia Flash, please feel free to download and print the PDF form of the puzzle.

Teachers! We now have Goodword Junior folders containing PDFs of the review emails and crossword puzzles. Click here to view or download these free printable documents.

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