From the Word Wizard Club...
February 1, 2021

Hear It!


Which Means:

A large building where royalty lived, with thick, tall protective walls surrounding it.

As In:

Image Nobody lived in the castle now, but we could tour it and imagine what it was like!

Heads Up!

You don't really hear the T in 'castle', but it is in the spelling.

Hear It!


Which Means:

Something that annoys or bothers a person.

As In:

Image It's her pet peeve when someone slurps soup noisily.

Heads Up!

All of these Es in 'peeve' are so annoying!

Hear It!


Which Means:

The past participle of 'keep': to have or hold something for a period of time.

As In:

Image She kept her favorite bear on her bed.

Heads Up!

The past tense of the verb 'keep' turns into 'kept', not 'keeped'.

Hear It!


Which Means:

A bowed or arched line, shaped like part of a circle.

As In:

Image The road sign cautioned about the curve in the road ahead.

Heads Up!

See the curves in the letters of 'curve'?

Hear It!


Which Means:

A long underground passageway.

As In:

Image The boys crawled through the tunnel on the playground.

Heads Up!

The Ns in 'tunnel' make two tunnels!

Hear It!


Which Means:

A type of web-footed bird that is larger than a duck.

As In:

Image The goose took a stroll through the park.

Heads Up!

A goose has two round Os for eyes.

Hear It!


Which Means:

Spit, saliva, especially when it sprays out of the mouth.

As In:

Image Spittle flew as the man blew the whistle.

Heads Up!

The word SPIT is in 'spittle'.

Hear It!


Which Means:

Something that you can use for support or help when needed.

As In:

Image The library is a great resource for information.

Heads Up!

See the SOURCE in resource?

Hear It!


Which Means:

A place where interesting, historical, or valuable objects are stored and shown to the public.

As In:

Image Dinosaur skeletons are on display at the museum! Let's go!

Heads Up!

What can you MUSE over in a 'museum'?

Hear It!


Which Means:

A prediction, the foretelling of, especially of weather conditions for the near future.

As In:

Image The woman gave the day's forecast on TV.

Heads Up!

The prefix FORE- means 'before': foretell, foreshadow, forearm.

Now that you have reviewed the words, challenge your memory!

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