From the Word Wizard Club...
May 3, 2021

Hear It!


Which Means:

Any coded message that can warn, direct, or command.

As In:

Image The policeman made a signal with his hands to control traffic.

Heads Up!

The word 'signal' ends in an -NAL.

Hear It!


Which Means:

A possession, something that belongs to you.

As In:

Image The boy's journal was personal property!

Heads Up!

What is the PROPER way to write 'property'?

Hear It!


Which Means:

A series of actions; the course or method to do something.

As In:

Image The process of making butter the old-fashioned way takes about 20-30 minutes of churning cream!

Heads Up!

The process of writing 'process' includes putting a C in the middle and two Ss at the end.

Hear It!


Which Means:

A sign or mark to aim for, a goal.

As In:

Image In archery class during gym, we learned how to breathe while aiming at the target.

Heads Up!

The G in 'target' has a hard sound, as in 'go'.

Hear It!


Which Means:

A tiny life form, too small to see that may cause a disease.

As In:

Image Sneezing and coughing are ways that a germ can spread, so cover your mouth when you sneeze and wash your hands.

Heads Up!

When G is followed by an E, I, or Y, it usually has a soft /j/ sound.

Now that you have reviewed the words, challenge your memory!

Note about the crossword: Playing the crossword requires Macromedia Flash. If you are unable to download Macromedia Flash, please feel free to download and print the PDF form of the puzzle.

Teachers! We now have Goodword Junior folders containing PDFs of the review emails and crossword puzzles. Click here to view or download these free printable documents.

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