From the Word Wizard Club...
October 15, 2018

calm The baby is calm in her crib.
skedaddle Look at the little girl skedaddle away from the duck who is trying to eat her dress!
classified These trees are classified as deciduous.
collywobbles Marlen always gets collywobbles before taking an exam.
cruel Sherman was a cruel person and was not liked by many people.
comet Halley's Comet in 1910 is a well known one.
coffin The character Dracula sleeps in a coffin.
hesitantly She hesitantly stepped out of the canoe, not sure if it would tip over or not.
hocus-pocus You don't believe that hocus-pocus, do you?
somberly The man sat somberly waiting for the next bus.

Now that you have reviewed the words, challenge your memory!

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