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by Dr. Goodword
Thu Sep 19, 2024 6:47 pm
Forum: Good Word Discussion
Topic: Beautiful
Replies: 0
Views: 17


• beautiful • Pronunciation: (US) byu -dê-fêl, (UK) byu -ti-fêl • Hear it! Part of Speech: Adjective Meaning: 1. Extremely attractive, having qualities that delight, beyond pretty. 2. Excellent, splendid, remarkable, outstanding. Notes: Here is a word containing four of the five permanent vowels in...
by Dr. Goodword
Thu Sep 19, 2024 6:17 pm
Forum: Good Word Discussion
Topic: Gregarious
Replies: 1
Views: 40


• gregarious • Pronunciation: grê- gæ -ri-ês • Hear it! Part of Speech: Adjective Meaning: 1. Flocking, herding, tending to live in groups rather than alone, as a gregarious bird species. 2. Proactively sociable, always seeking company, skilled at social navigation and networking. Notes: Today's Go...
by Dr. Goodword
Tue Sep 17, 2024 9:53 pm
Forum: Good Word Discussion
Topic: Impresario
Replies: 0
Views: 30


• impresario • Pronunciation: im-prê- sahr -ri-o • Hear it! Part of Speech: Noun Meaning: A successful theatrical manager, producer or director. Notes: I've always associated this word with highly successful bigtime theatrical promoters or someone pretending to be such. Remember the initial I. An e...
by Dr. Goodword
Tue Sep 17, 2024 10:33 am
Forum: Good Word Suggestions
Topic: Mean
Replies: 4
Views: 1019

Re: Mean

Far too many words coincidentally spelled the same with too many meanings. Try again.
by Dr. Goodword
Mon Sep 16, 2024 10:34 pm
Forum: Good Word Discussion
Topic: Fluctuate
Replies: 0
Views: 26


• fluctuate • Pronunciation: flêk -chê-wayt • Hear it! Part of Speech: Verb, intransitive Meaning: 1. To rise and fall in waves, to undulate. 2. To vary or waver, to undergo alternating changes, to vacillate. Notes: Today's word has a large derivative family. The adjective is fluctuant "fluctu...
by Dr. Goodword
Mon Sep 16, 2024 10:27 pm
Forum: Good Word Discussion
Topic: Codify
Replies: 4
Views: 96

Re: Codify

Latin cauda "tail" is a perfect phonological source of coda, but the semantics seem wildly unrelated. Anyone see a connection between tails and laws?
by Dr. Goodword
Sun Sep 15, 2024 9:50 pm
Forum: Good Word Discussion
Topic: Codify
Replies: 4
Views: 96


• codify • Pronunciation: kah -dê-fai • Hear it! Part of Speech: Verb Meaning: 1. To collect and organize rules and regulations systematically. 2. To establish officially as a rule or law. Notes: This word is based on the noun code "rule, regulation" along the lines of mode » modify . It ...
by Dr. Goodword
Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:15 pm
Forum: Good Word Discussion
Topic: Emanate
Replies: 0
Views: 28


• emanate • Pronunciation: em -ê-nayt • Hear it! Part of Speech: Verb Meaning: 1. To issue (from), to spring forth (from). 2. To arise or originate (from), to come out of or from, to begin at. 3. (Transitively) To emit, to send or project outwardly. Notes: Emanate offers several adjectives, but I w...
by Dr. Goodword
Fri Sep 13, 2024 10:03 pm
Forum: Good Word Discussion
Topic: Decimate
Replies: 4
Views: 87


• decimate • Pronunciation: de -sê-mayt • Hear it! Part of Speech: Verb, transitive Meaning: 1. Originally, to reduce by one tenth; first used in the Roman army when every tenth deserter was put to death. 2. To reduce dramatically in size or number. 3. To inflict great damage or destruction. Notes:...
by Dr. Goodword
Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:57 am
Forum: Good Word Discussion
Topic: Provocateur
Replies: 2
Views: 58

Re: Provocateur

David Spivak sent this comment via our contact page: I am commenting on your Email of Sept. 11th whereby you state that: This word [provocateur] is not to be confused with provoker "someone who provokes". The online version of Merriam-Webster allows, as a secondary usage, "the more ge...
by Dr. Goodword
Thu Sep 12, 2024 9:36 pm
Forum: Good Word Discussion
Topic: Outcrop
Replies: 1
Views: 83


• outcrop • Pronunciation: æwt -krahp • Hear it! Part of Speech: Noun Meaning: 1. A large area of stone sticking out of the surrounding ground. 2. Anything breaking through revealing something beneath the surface. Notes: This noun may be used as a verb making it possible for the present participle,...
by Dr. Goodword
Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:10 pm
Forum: Good Word Discussion
Topic: Cathedra
Replies: 2
Views: 68


• cathedra • Pronunciation: kê- thee -drê • Hear it! Part of Speech: Noun Meaning: 1. The chair or position of a bishop. 2. The official position or office of a respected high officer, such as a president or professor. Notes: We see this word in cathedral , the location of cathedrae (notice the spe...
by Dr. Goodword
Tue Sep 10, 2024 7:00 pm
Forum: Good Word Discussion
Topic: Provocateur
Replies: 2
Views: 58


• provocateur • Pronunciation: prê-vah-kê- tUr • Hear it! Part of Speech: Noun Meaning: Someone assigned by authorities to infiltrate and provoke certain groups to break the law or behave otherwise to suit those authorities. Notes: This word is not to be confused with provoker "someone who pro...
by Dr. Goodword
Mon Sep 09, 2024 9:56 pm
Forum: Good Word Discussion
Topic: Sympathy
Replies: 1
Views: 41


• sympathy • Pronunciation: sim -pê-thee • Hear it! Part of Speech: Noun Meaning: 1. A sense of similar distress for someone, commiseration, compassion, pity for someone in distress. 2. Agreement with or support of an opinion, as 'to be in sympathy with her thinking on issues'. 3. (Usually plural) ...
by Dr. Goodword
Sun Sep 08, 2024 7:01 pm
Forum: Good Word Discussion
Topic: Grimoire
Replies: 0
Views: 46


• grimoire • Pronunciation: grim- wah(r) • Hear it! Part of Speech: Noun Meaning: An instruction book of sorcery and casting spells. Notes: This word is another wonder at the crossroads of grammar and other senses. Another crossroad was grammar and glamor (or British glamour ; see Word History ). T...

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