
Use this forum to suggest Good Words for Professor Beard.
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Postby tcward » Thu May 05, 2005 10:51 pm

1553, from L. inexorabilis "that cannot be moved by entreaty," from in- "not" + exorabilis "able to be entreated," from exorare "to prevail upon," from ex- "out" + orare "pray."
William Drummond


MY thoughts hold mortal strife;
I do detest my life,
And with lamenting cries
Peace to my soul to bring
Oft call that prince which here doth monarchise:
—But he, grim-grinning King,
Who caitiffs scorns, and doth the blest surprise,
Late having deck'd with beauty's rose his tomb,
Disdains to crop a weed, and will not come.
PDF: Inexorable and Inevitable: The Continuing Story of Technology and Assessment Hinduism: Karma:
Electable, Immutable, Inexorable


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Grand Panjandrum
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Postby gailr » Thu May 05, 2005 11:18 pm

Good word, Tim.

I had to look up this one, though:
cai·tiff (kā'tĭf)
n. A despicable coward; a wretch.
adj. Despicable and cowardly.

[Middle English caitif, from Norman French, from Latin captīvus, prisoner. See captive.]

Romeo and Juliet, Act V Scene III:
Why I descend into this bed of death,
Is partly to behold my lady's face;
But chiefly to take thence from her dead finger
A precious ring, a ring that I must use
In dear employment: therefore hence, be gone:
But if thou, jealous, dost return to pry
In what I further shall intend to do,
By heaven, I will tear thee joint by joint
And strew this hungry churchyard with thy limbs:
The time and my intents are savage-wild,
More fierce and more inexorable far
Than empty tigers or the roaring sea.
Death is as inexorable as taxes to these poets.

Posts: 789
Joined: Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:18 pm
Location: The Old North State

Postby tcward » Thu May 05, 2005 11:58 pm

Thanks for looking caitiff up, Gailr! I had meant to do that earlier, but my 3-year-old wouldn't have any more of me staying on the silly computer at the time!


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