Group Poem Exercise IX

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Group Poem Exercise IX

Postby saparris » Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:22 pm

This group poem will consist 14 lines rhyming AABBCCDDEEFFGG. Each line will be in iambic heptameter (7 stressed syllables, each preceded by an unstressed one).

“Amazing Grace” (without the middle line breaks typically seen in hymnals) is an example of the meter:

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found, was blind, but now I see.
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear and Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear the hour I first believed.

NOW HERE'S THE CATCH! Each line must contain an anagram of a word preceding it in that line. The anagram can be either a single word or a several words as long as all the words making up the anagram appear together.

As always, half rhymes (like rest and east) are acceptable, and a little fudging on the iambic rule will be OK, but the lines should still contain seven stressed syllables.

As before, copy the title and lines of the previous post so that we can see the progress of the entire poem, and don’t forget to bold the word used to make the anagram and the anagram itself.

The poem, as I foresee it, is a humorous look at how we grow up to be so much like our parents. The title and first line are as follows:


The genes that crawled prenatal from my parental tête-à-tête
Ars longa, vita brevis

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Re: Group Poem Exercise IX

Postby Audiendus » Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:08 pm

May I take the liberty of putting the multi-word anagram first?


The genes that crawled prenatal from my parental tête-à-tête
(As Dawkins, by a modern test, has sought to demonstrate)

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Postby saparris » Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:32 pm

Feel free to put the multi-word anagram first. Keeping a coherent flow of ideas is a challenge, so do what works.


The genes that crawled prenatal from my parental tête-à-tête
(As Dawkins, by a modern test, has sought to demonstrate)
Encumbered my frail spirit like some sweeping, numb decree
Ars longa, vita brevis

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Postby Audiendus » Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:28 pm


The genes that crawled prenatal from my parental tête-à-tête
(As Dawkins, by a modern test, has sought to demonstrate)
Encumbered my frail spirit like some sweeping, numb decree;
From start to end, cast iron laws constrained my destiny.

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Postby saparris » Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:05 pm


The genes that crawled prenatal from my parental tête-à-tête
(As Dawkins, by a modern test, has sought to demonstrate)
Encumbered my frail spirit like some sweeping, numb decree
From start to end, cast iron laws constrained my destiny
My genes for looks and talent are but latent, if at all
Ars longa, vita brevis

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Postby Audiendus » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:52 pm


The genes that crawled prenatal from my parental tête-à-tête
(As Dawkins, by a modern test, has sought to demonstrate)
Encumbered my frail spirit like some sweeping, numb decree
From start to end, cast iron laws constrained my destiny
My genes for looks and talent are but latent, if at all
My artist traits are strait in range, my music gifts are small

:idea: I have included an extra anagram in the last line.

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Postby saparris » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:43 pm


The genes that crawled prenatal from my parental tête-à-tête
(As Dawkins, by a modern test, has sought to demonstrate)
Encumbered my frail spirit like some sweeping, numb decree
From start to end, cast iron laws constrained my destiny
My genes for looks and talent are but latent, if at all
My artist traits are strait in range, my music gifts are small
My shameless wife now hassles me for being short and fat
Ars longa, vita brevis

Posts: 934
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Location: London, UK

Postby Audiendus » Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:56 am


The genes that crawled prenatal from my parental tête-à-tête
(As Dawkins, by a modern test, has sought to demonstrate)
Encumbered my frail spirit like some sweeping, numb decree
From start to end, cast iron laws constrained my destiny
My genes for looks and talent are but latent, if at all
My artist traits are strait in range, my music gifts are small
My shameless wife now hassles me for being short and fat
But what's the point of getting angered and enraged by that?

Posts: 794
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Location: South Carolina USA

Postby saparris » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:52 pm


The genes that crawled prenatal from my parental tête-à-tête
(As Dawkins, by a modern test, has sought to demonstrate)
Encumbered my frail spirit like some sweeping, numb decree
From start to end, cast iron laws constrained my destiny
My genes for looks and talent are but latent, if at all
My artist traits are strait in range, my music gifts are small
My shameless wife now hassles me for being short and fat
But what's the point of getting angered and enraged by that?
These traits are just my heritagethe imagery thereof
Ars longa, vita brevis

Posts: 934
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Location: London, UK

Postby Audiendus » Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:12 pm


The genes that crawled prenatal from my parental tête-à-tête
(As Dawkins, by a modern test, has sought to demonstrate)
Encumbered my frail spirit like some sweeping, numb decree
From start to end, cast iron laws constrained my destiny
My genes for looks and talent are but latent, if at all
My artist traits are strait in range, my music gifts are small
My shameless wife now hassles me for being short and fat
But what's the point of getting angered and enraged by that?
These traits are just my heritagethe imagery thereof
By strict determination fixed (I mentioned art above)

Posts: 794
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Location: South Carolina USA

Postby saparris » Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:13 pm


The genes that crawled prenatal from my parental tête-à-tête
(As Dawkins, by a modern test, has sought to demonstrate)
Encumbered my frail spirit like some sweeping, numb decree
From start to end, cast iron laws constrained my destiny
My genes for looks and talent are but latent, if at all
My artist traits are strait in range, my music gifts are small
My shameless wife now hassles me for being short and fat
But what's the point of getting angered and enraged by that?
These traits are just my heritagethe imagery thereof
By strict determination fixed (I mentioned art above)
So though I look like sturgeon that some nurse got from the sea
Ars longa, vita brevis

Posts: 934
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Location: London, UK

Postby Audiendus » Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:30 am


The genes that crawled prenatal from my parental tête-à-tête
(As Dawkins, by a modern test, has sought to demonstrate)
Encumbered my frail spirit like some sweeping, numb decree
From start to end, cast iron laws constrained my destiny
My genes for looks and talent are but latent, if at all
My artist traits are strait in range, my music gifts are small
My shameless wife now hassles me for being short and fat
But what's the point of getting angered and enraged by that?
These traits are just my heritagethe imagery thereof
By Fate's determination fixed (I mentioned art above)
So though I look like sturgeon that some nurse got from the sea
I have a heart of caviar, a vicar said to me.

N.B. I have changed one of my words in line 10 to improve it slightly.

Posts: 794
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Location: South Carolina USA

Postby saparris » Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:37 pm

(Let's go to 16 lines so that we can develop a good conclusion.)


The genes that crawled prenatal from my parental tête-à-tête
(As Dawkins, by a modern test, has sought to demonstrate)
Encumbered my frail spirit like some sweeping, numb decree
From start to end, cast iron laws constrained my destiny
My genes for looks and talent are but latent, if at all
My artist traits are strait in range, my music gifts are small
My shameless wife now hassles me for being short and fat
But what's the point of getting angered and enraged by that?
These traits are just my heritagethe imagery thereof
By Fate's determination fixed (I mentioned art above)
So though I look like sturgeon that some nurse got from the sea
I have a heart of caviar, a vicar said to me
I might not be at ease with what I see in mirrored glass
Ars longa, vita brevis

Posts: 934
Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:08 pm
Location: London, UK

Postby Audiendus » Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:44 pm


The genes that crawled prenatal from my parental tête-à-tête
(As Dawkins, by a modern test, has sought to demonstrate)
Encumbered my frail spirit like some sweeping, numb decree
From start to end, cast iron laws constrained my destiny
My genes for looks and talent are but latent, if at all
My artist traits are strait in range, my music gifts are small
My shameless wife now hassles me for being short and fat
But what's the point of getting angered and enraged by that?
These traits are just my heritagethe imagery thereof
By Fate's determination fixed (I mentioned art above)
So though I look like sturgeon that some nurse got from the sea
I have a heart of caviar, a vicar said to me
I might not be at ease with what I see in mirrored glass
But I've become phlegmatic since this sad plight came to pass

Posts: 794
Joined: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:33 pm
Location: South Carolina USA

Postby saparris » Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:46 am


The genes that crawled prenatal from my parental tête-à-tête
(As Dawkins, by a modern test, has sought to demonstrate)
Encumbered my frail spirit like some sweeping, numb decree
From start to end, cast iron laws constrained my destiny
My genes for looks and talent are but latent, if at all
My artist traits are strait in range, my music gifts are small
My shameless wife now hassles me for being short and fat
But what's the point of getting angered and enraged by that?
These traits are just my heritagethe imagery thereof
By Fate's determination fixed (I mentioned art above)
So though I look like sturgeon that some nurse got from the sea
I have a heart of caviar, a vicar said to me
I might not be at ease with what I see in mirrored glass
But I've become phlegmatic since this sad plight came to pass
I care not, in the end, to win some race for style or flair
Ars longa, vita brevis

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