Double copula

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Double copula

Postby Audiendus » Wed Jan 24, 2024 11:56 am

What do you think about the double copula (e.g. "The thing is, is that...)? Here is what Wikipedia says:

Apparently it originated in the United States around 1971 and had spread to the United Kingdom by 1987.

It is a contagious habit which I find really annoying! It treats "is that" as a compound conjunction when "that" is quite sufficient.

Note that "What it is is that..." is correct: here the two "is"s are necessary.

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Re: Double copula

Postby bbeeton » Wed Jan 24, 2024 7:34 pm

Rather annoying, actually.

According to Wikipedia, "also known as the reduplicative copula". But "reduplicative" actually sounds to me like more than two. A puzzlement.

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