
Use this forum to suggest Good Words for Professor Beard.
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Postby Slava » Fri Jan 26, 2024 10:45 am

Literally, a forsaking. Self-centered suggestion, as my city is in the path of totality for the one coming up April 8, but here it is anyway. Last time was in 1806, the next not for 400 years. :shock:
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Re: Eclipse

Postby bbeeton » Fri Jan 26, 2024 5:18 pm

Enjoy it! Total eclipses are well worth chasing. I recommend a good pair of welder's goggles.

For a stupendous story of an eclipse chaser, with photos, see

(My two experiences were in Nova Scotia, camping, with a sound truck circling the campground playing "I'm being followed by a moon shadow", and on a sailing ship in the Caribbean, with a volcano burbling off on the port side. Great memories!)

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