
The Alpha Agora will be a permanent home for discussions of words and language.
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Postby JJ » Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:12 am

This is just a damfine forum. Great fun is being had by this fool!

Yo, Herr-Anonymous, I probably ought to ask you, "Wherefore art thou?", but I reckon I'll just ask you in plain Texan: "WHAR ye, bubba?"

You've got a interesting name--you probably orta chime in more often. Might be an interesting feller...

Eye two am gnu hear. Looking forward to some interesting cussin' and DIS-cussin'.

I've browsed the archives (most of the Forum! C'mon, guys 'n' gals!) There are some pretty fart smellers on here. Er...smart fellers...and some gals, too, that leave my feeble lexico-lunacy in the dust! (Naw, that ain't dirty...)

The stick-figures and poetry sorta go off and leave me, though I can appreciate our kinsmen in the East. (lived in Japan 2 years, didn't bring anything back but hookworm, herpes angina, and some cuss-words. Just a kid.)

My only attempt at haiku went something like this:

A big beautiful horse
Stepped on my dog
Now he limps

And my only response was, "Who limps, the horse?" Guess I just don't get it. Oh, well...


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Grand Panjandrum
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Postby gailr » Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:11 pm

I rather like your haiku, JJ. (Google "bad haiku" to gain a renewed appreciation of your own efforts!)

-gailr :D

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Postby Apoclima » Wed Jan 25, 2006 1:32 pm

You are certainly a character, JJ! LOL! I'm glad you like the forum here.

Keep posting!

'Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination.' -Max Planck

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Postby rebelyelling » Thu May 18, 2006 3:25 am

Gosh durn and dad gum it....thought your east was the east coast....hmm much further...not much yelling goin' on here...kinda gettin' the feel for things

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Postby LukeJavan8 » Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:34 pm

Amazing how these threads all died in '05 and '06.
I'm baffled!
-----please, draw me a sheep-----

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