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Dr. Goodword
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Postby Dr. Goodword » Tue Jan 30, 2024 10:56 pm

• eclipse •

Pronunciation: ee-klipsHear it!

Part of Speech: Noun, verb

Meaning: 1. (Noun) The obscuration of one celestial body by another. 2. (Noun) The state of being eclipsed. 3. (Verb) To cause someone's downfall, undoing, fall into obscurity. 4. (Verb) The action implied by any of the above.


Notes: This word can't make up its mind as to whether it wants to be a noun or verb. The adjective is ecliptic or ecliptical and the adverb, ecliptically. An eclipser is someone that eclipses, obscures—or outshines someone else. We may be eclipsable or uneclipsable.

In Play: An eclipse of the sun or moon is usually how this word is used: "The eclipse of the moon occurred exactly at the moment William Arami asked June McBride to marry him." However, the verb is as often used figuratively: "When Matilda put blond dye in Harold's hair tonic bottle, her prank eclipsed all those played on her by him."

Word History: Today's Good Word is loot from yet another raid on Old French, which it inherited from its great grandfather, Latin eclipsis, stolen from Greek ekleipsis "eclipse, an abandonment", originally "a failing, forsaking", from ekleipein "to forsake, fail to appear". Greek created its word by combining ex "out (of)" + leipein "to leave", inherited from PIE leikw- "to leave", source also of Sanskrit (the language which changed all Ls to Rs) rinakti "lets go, concedes" and ricyate "is freed from, goes away", Greek leipein "to leave, desert, fail", Latin linquere "to leave", Irish lig "let, allow, permit", Lithuanian likti "to stay, remain", Latvian palikt "to remain", and English leave. (Now a standing e-ovation to Great Grand Panjandrum Jeremy Busch for recommending today's celestial Good Word.)

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Re: Eclipse

Postby Slava » Mon Apr 08, 2024 4:18 pm

I don't usually reply first to my own suggestions, but as I just got back from experiencing totality, I figured I'd share.

The difference between 99 and 100 percent is literally like turning out the only light in the room. Or more like turning a 3-way bulb down, if you could. Lights are on; go down a notch it's a bit darker; one more it's a bit darker; one more and it's black. Even with the heavily overcast skies we had, this was obvious.
Life is like playing chess with chessmen who each have thoughts and feelings and motives of their own.

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