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Dr. Goodword
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Postby Dr. Goodword » Thu Nov 15, 2018 9:56 pm

• guttersnipe •

Pronunciation: gêd-êr-snaip • Hear it!

Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning: 1. The common English species of snipe, Gallinago caelestis or media. Yes, it is a real bird with a long, straight bill, whose favorite haunt is marshes. 2. A rag-picker who collects useful garbage from the gutters. 3. A dirty, raggedy, bedraggled child, a ragamuffin, an urchin, a tatterdemalion with a bad attitude.

Notes: Today's is another word that arose as a term for misfortunate children but today it is used to refer to an unkempt child who is nasty in appearance and attitude. It is a lexical orphan that is easy to spell so long as we remember that it is one (compound) word.

In Play: We don't usually disparage others because of their poverty any more, but dirtiness is another matter: "Which one of you little guttersnipes tracked mud across the kitchen floor I just mopped!?" However, even a dirty kid usually has to snipe at us to get us to call him a guttersnipe: "One of the little guttersnipes at the playground told me I'm fat!'

Word History: Today's Good Word is interesting for its semantic meanderings. It originally referred to a bird that was hunted and eaten. They were shy birds, however, and it required considerable stealth to shoot one. When the noun was converted to a verb, to go sniping meant to hunt very stealthily and that sense carried over to the current meaning of the verb, the business of a sniper. Since snipers are known for their deadly accuracy, the verb naturally migrated to its current figurative meaning, to take verbal potshots at someone. All this time, the meaning of today's Good Word was changing, too, along the lines of its Meaning given above. By the time it came to mean "a ragamuffin", the sense of the verb influenced this meaning to imply a ragamuffin who takes verbal potshots at people.
• The Good Dr. Goodword

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Re: Guttersnipe

Postby jerrythebeeguy » Fri Nov 16, 2018 2:42 pm

How about the "snipe hunt"? "Snipe" was also used to mean that fictitious bird that a dupe was left in the woods at night holding a bag to catch. His pals told him they would herd it towards him if he waited long enough. Of course, his pals went home and left him in the woods all night "holding the bag" (if he was that gullible).

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Re: Guttersnipe

Postby LukeJavan8 » Sat Nov 17, 2018 1:28 pm

Living in the hinterlands around this neck of the woods, families
and their children would often visit, and friends and I would often
treat the kids to the snipe hunt you mention. I've participated
in such more times than I can remember. Lots of fun. However
the 'littluns' were never left more than two hours and we kept
an eye on them, not abandoning them. Thanks for the memories.
-----please, draw me a sheep-----

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