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Dr. Goodword
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Postby Dr. Goodword » Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:32 pm

• artisan •

Pronunciation: ahr-tê-zên, -sên • Hear it!

Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning: 1. A craftsman, someone who practices a skilled trade or handicraft, such as a blacksmith, a potter, or a glassblower. 2. Something made in small quantities by a small, local business, like 'artisan beer'.

Notes: This word has become very popular recently with the rise of the habit of calling small, local breweries 'artisan' breweries, producing artisan beer. However, the word has long been used to label 'artisan cheese', 'artisan breads', and others. As a noun, it seems to be losing out to craftsman. It comes with an adjective: artisanal and two abstract nouns: artisanry and artisanship.

In Play: When used as a noun this word refers to craftsmen: "The sad fact is that no matter how skilled they are, artisans cannot compete with modern manufacture." As an attribute, it refers to something made by traditional standards in small quantities: "I tell my friends that the best beer in Germany is called "ein Bier", for if you order it, you will get a fresh, local artisan beer."

Word History: This word was borrowed from French, which, in turn, borrowed it from Italian artigiano [ahrtijahno] "artisan; hand-made" from the presumed Vulgar (street) Latin word artitianus. This word would have been related to Classical Latin artitus "skilled in the arts", the past participle of artire "to teach art", based on ars, artis "art". Latin inherited ars from Proto-Indo-European ar- "fit together", found in arm, army, and armada, derived from Latin armata "armed", the feminine past participle of armare "to arm". We see it again in harmony, borrowed from the Greek harmonia "articulation, agreement, harmony", based on harmos "joint". (Thank now George Kovac, an artisan contributor of great Good Words like today's.)
• The Good Dr. Goodword

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Re: Artisan

Postby misterdoe » Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:37 pm

The "hipster" crowd in larger cities overuse the idea of artisan and artisanal, though; a friend in Philadelphia told me of seeing a shop selling "artisanal water." :roll:

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Re: Artisan

Postby bnjtokyo » Mon Apr 24, 2017 8:51 am

In play: The adverbial form appeared a few years back in a New Yorker cartoon.
One woman speaking to a new mother:
"Are you going to enrol her in day care or are you going to raise her artisanally?"

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Re: Artisan

Postby bnjtokyo » Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:18 am

Here's an example of the adverbial form from Eric
Asimov in the NYTimes (July 27, 2017)
So has the aesthetic conflict between wines that are still made artisanally, which can change and evolve in thrilling ways, and those that are factory products — cheaper, perhaps, but also as stable and consistent as any soft drink. ... ottom-well
(Might be behind a pay wall, sorry.)

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