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Postby Dr. Goodword » Sun Mar 29, 2020 7:37 pm

• villanelle •

Pronunciation: vi-lê-nelHear it!

Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning: No, it isn't female villain, though it shares its origin with the word villain (see Word History). A villanelle is a 19-line poem consisting of five tercets and a final quatrain, the whole poem containing only two rhymes.

Notes: Perhaps the most famous villanelle of all is Dylan Thomas's villanelle to his father, " Do not go gentle into that good night". When I first encountered this poem, I thought the form and cadence odd and wondered why Thomas had written it so. Now we all know.

In Play: Silvia Plath's "Mad Girl's Love Song" and W. H. Auden's "If I Could Tell You" are further examples of this poetic genre.

Word History: Today's Good Word is French villanelle, itself borrowed from Italian villanella "rustic song or dance", the feminine of the adjective villanello "rustic, rural" used as a noun. Villanello was inherited from Medieval Latin villanus "villager, farmhand". Villanus was based on Latin villa "country house, farm", a word that goes back to PIE root weik-sla- "village" based on weik-/woik- "clan". The root weik/woik- alone went into the making of Latin vicus "village", underlying vicar. In Greek this PIE word came up as oikos "house" which, when combined with the stem of nem-/nom- "allot, take", made oikonomia "household management", a word which was borrowed from the Latin copy, oeconomia, as economy. (Thank you, Deborah Moggio, for yet another surprisingly Good Word.)
• The Good Dr. Goodword

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Re: Villanelle

Postby call_copse » Mon Mar 30, 2020 7:52 am

Currently the most famous Villanelle I know of is the amazing Jody Cromer in the brilliant Killing Eve.

Well worth watching if you like cartoony assassin spy type things. Some of the most interesting dialogue and characterisation I've seen for a long time. Not for you if you object to the numerous objectionable things people may object to e.g. bad language, violence, immoral acts etc. as you can count on them being found within.

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