
Use this forum to suggest Good Words for Professor Beard.
William Hupy
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Postby William Hupy » Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:06 am

I noticed this word in an article of the Atlantic. The two parts, herren and volk, mean, respectively, men’s and people. Somehow when slammed together, they mean master race. This, of course, is from the Nazi era of Germany.
William A. Hupy

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Re: Herrenvolk

Postby Slava » Sun Oct 15, 2023 7:39 am

I finally took a deeper gander into this one and found out that Herr in German doesn't mean just man as in male person. It also means lord or master, hence 'master folk'. Herrenrasse is probably better for Master Race, though this one is the more usual term used.

There is also the concept of Herrenvolk Democracy. Apartheid South Africa and the US Confederate States are examples.
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