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Postby Slava » Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:17 pm

Sunday's Word:
• purlieu •

Pronunciation: pêr-lyu • Hear it!
Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning: 1. An outlying area or region, outskirts. 2. A haunt, a bailiwick, a place you are familiar with, visit frequently, or where you are at home.

Notes: Today's Good Word is often confused with another one, purview "scope, range, limits of one's sphere" with a very similar meaning. A question may fall within the purview of someone's expertise even when they are out of their normal purlieu. The spelling of today's word is easier if you remember that it contains the same lieu found in the phrase in lieu of "in place of". (That is also it in lieutenant, which meant "place holder" or "replacement" in Old French.)

In Play: This word is interesting because it is a sort of contronym, a word with two opposing meanings. It usually means a place you frequent: "The Eaton Inn was Hiram's customary purlieu of an evening." However, it can also mean just the edges or outskirts of an area, physical or abstract: "Les Cheatham spent his life lurking in the penumbrous purlieus of legality."

Word History: In Middle English the ancestor of today's word, purlewe, meant "a piece of land on the edge of a forest". It was probably an alteration of Old French porale "royal stroll" from poraler "to walk across", based on por-, "forth" + aler (now aller) "to go", a relative of English alley. Poraler shifted to puraler when borrowed into English, where it was confused with French lieu "place", becoming purlieu. The French word lieu (would you believe it?) started out as Latin locus "place", which English also uses. (We are happy today that Lew Jury bumped into this word in his purlieu and that he mentioned it to us as a Good Word candidate.)

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Great Grand Panjandrum
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Postby Slava » Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:38 am

As to the second part of this word, does this mean that if you sub-let your apartment, the person living there is a lieutenant?

I'd also be willing to bet that Les Cheatham did not need to make use of a parasol in his penumbrous perambulations.
Life is like playing chess with chessmen who each have thoughts and feelings and motives of their own.

Philip Hudson
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Postby Philip Hudson » Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:03 am

Wandering around in the shadows does not of itself require a bumbershoot.

If they are pathetic, peripatetic, penumbrous perambulations then all bets are off.
It is dark at night, but the Sun will come up and then we can see.

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